Vibration and Sound
Sound is a direct byproduct of vibration and travels in waves. As defined by Media College, "[sound waves] are created by the vibration of an object, which causes the air surrounding it to vibrate. The vibrating air then causes the human eardrum to vibrate, which the brain interprets as sound."
The sound we hear everyday is actually produced by variations in the vibrating air around us. Usually, we say "that car is squeaking" or "that computer is making a clicking sound" but what is really happening is that the object has created a displacement in the vibration of the air surrounding our ears and we are hearing the air vibrating rather than the object itself.
Below is a pictorial representation of what this vibration and sound process looks like.
1) The man in this car slams on his brakes which causes his brake pads to vibrate.

2) The vibration from the brakes on the car cause the air around the car and the air around you to vibrate at a certain frequency.

3) The vibrating air causes your ear drum to vibrate which is registered by your brain and you hear sound.

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Tristan Van Cise
Physics 211
Fall 2016
David Newman
Website Project