
einstein career

While Einstein worked in the patent office, he had his "miracle year". 
The year was 1905.  He submitted his doctorate paper AND
submitted four scientific papers to a well known physics journal,
"Annalen der Physik".

These four papers were on the photoelectric effect,Brownian motion,
special relativity, and the equivalence of matter and energy.  Thus E=mc2
was born, showing that tiny amounts of matter could produce massive
amounts of energy.  This opened the door to nuclear power development.

The papers didn't generate much interest at first.  Eventually however, Max
Planck, a very influential physicist of the time,began showing interest in
Einstein's theories, and this helped bring Einstein's works to the public eye. 
His general theory of relativity is now a foundation of modern physics,
alongside quantum mechanics.  Over the years, Einstein published more
than 300 scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific works.


Einstein Quotes

"The monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."
-Albert Einstein - From Civilization and Science, October 3, 1933.

Einstein Trivia

Random foliage

Remember how Einstein loved to sail?  His sailboat was seized by the Nazis in 1933 on the alleged grounds that it could be used for smuggling supplies and storing weapons for the communists.