Who Was Albert Einstein?

Einstein in a study

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who
began his career in the early 1900's.  He was working as a clerk
in a Swiss patent office when he made his first great scientific
discoveries, and proceeded to publish four papers that gained him
notoriety in the scientific community. 

Einstein is most widely known for his formula for mass-energy
equivalence, E=mc2, and his development of the general theory
of relativity.  He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921
 for discovering the law of the photoelectric effect.

As Carl Sagan once said about Einstein: "He is one of the small group
of people in any epoch who remake the world through a special gift, a
talent for perceiving old things in new ways, for posing deep challenges
to conventional wisdom."

Photo: http://www.laopera.org/news/blog/Dates/2013/9/Caltech-presents-EINSTEIN-exhibit-at-LA-Opera/

Einstein Quotes

"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking."

Albert Einstein (Physics and Reality, 1936)

Einstein Trivia

Random foliageDid you know that Einstein loved to sail?  While going to school in Switzerland, he learned how to sail and it became one of his passions.
Photo: http://www.capitalcentury.com/1933.html