What is the Sun?

Image: http://www.michielb.nl/sun/kaft.htm
The Sun is a Star.  It is the nearest star to our corner of the Galaxy.
The Sun is a basically a massive ball of gas that burns at incredibly high temperatures.
It is a massive furnace that provides heat and light to our planet to keep it alive.
It is also many millions of years old.
It like some of the other stars out there have planets that orbit due to its immense gravity field.

Image: http://search.eb.com/eb/topic?eu=118794&type=17

The sun and our solar system are located with in the Milky Way. 
We are located about 30,000 light years from the center of our immense galaxy.

Intro / What is the Sun / Sun Stats / Sun Parts 1 / Sun Parts 2  / Sun Parts 3 / View of the Sun / End of the Sun / Bibliography

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