Electricity powers almost everything on board the Ohio class.  Despite plenty of non-electrical back-up systems, using them most likely means the submarine is stranded on the ocean floor and will eventually be abandoned.  To try to prevent ever getting to this point, the EDS is designed to maintain electrical continuity with a clever setup.


Generating electrical power is pretty much the same as any heat-based power plant, nuclear or otherwise.  The process by which the reactor produces high pressure steam was described in the propulsion section.  Unlike the main engines, the turbine generators have their output shafts connected to an AC generator.

The turbine end of the generator acts to convert the molecular momentum of steam (pressure) and kinetic energy of steam (flow) into rotational kinetic energy on the shaft by means of turbine blades on a rotor.  These blades are shaped to achieve these energy transformations and perform work.  There are two basic blade types and the turbine generator has a combination of both.  Both types take advantage of a fluid's changes in velocity and pressure when passed through a nozzle-shaped area.  The basic function of any nozzle is to restrict flow in order to increase velocity at the expense of pressure.  The energy conversions caused by the blades are described in the following image, starting with an analogy at the top.  Note that "velocity" refers to velocity of steam, not velocity of the rotor.  For the generators, rotor velocity is constant during steady state operation.

                    IMAGE SOURCE: Mech 4 Study                                                                    IMAGE SOURCE: Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide

The rotating shaft of the turbines are connected to AC generators.  The shaft of the generators are connected to rotors which are constructed to be electromagnets.  Keep in mind the requirements for generator action: a magnetic field, a current-carrying conductor, and relative motion between the two.  So, the first requirement is met by the electromagnet.  The conductor requirement is satisfied by a stator that surrounds the rotor and the relative motion is achieved given that the rotor rotates and the stator is stationary.  A voltage is induced in the stator and outputs an AC current that supplies the majority of the ship's loads.  It is AC due to the voltage oscillating between positive and negative in response to the rotating magnetic field.  Though the entire AC system is three-phase to minimize the effect of these oscillations.

IMAGE SOURCE: waitbutwhy.com

The turbine generators connect directly to switchboards designated as non-vital, since they have a high probability of being tripped off in response to an emergency, either procedurally or automatically as self-protection.  While there is a connection from these non-vitals to the vitals so that the generator can power everything, this connection is setup to automatically cut itself and switch the vital loads to battery power in the event of a trip.


The requirements for generator action were mentioned above.  The requirements for motor action are nearly the same with the main difference being that instead of creating voltage in the stator, the current is already supplied, creating a rotating magnetic field due to AC oscillations.  This magnetic field pushes against the magnetic field of the rotor, causing the rotor to rotate, driving any device that requires rotational input.  This is how most motors work, but keeping things basic allows a unique application called the motor generator.

IMAGE SOURCE: waitbutwhy.com

The similarities between generator action and motor action mean that it is possible to construct a device that is capable of doing both.  Put two of them together, and the result is a machine that can be a motor on one end driving a generator on the other end, with the freedom to swap which end is driving and which is generating.  These are the machines that connect the AC side of the EDS to the DC side.  Generating a DC current with a rotation-based device is a bit more complicated and the DC side of the motor generator has extra components to do the job.  Having a DC side in the EDS is necessary because it is impossible for a battery to be AC.  The normal mode of operation, with steam turbines, the diesel generator, or with shore power is to have the motor generator to be AC-motoring/DC-generating to charge the battery.  In the event that the AC source of electricity is lost (much more common than you would think), the motor generator is setup to automatically switch it's operating mode to DC-motoring/AC-generating, discharging the battery to keep vital loads powered.

Due to the nature of a battery serving as a backup in case something goes wrong, there are a few loads placed on the DC side of the EDS to deliver bare essentials just in case even the motor generators fail to operate.  Two important examples include a separate circuit for low-level lighting and the emergency propulsion motor, capable of engaging with the propeller shaft with a clutch.


The battery is a very limited resource of electricity, allowing only about half a day's worth of power.  That's why if steam power is lost for whatever reason and it has been determined that restoring it will take a while, the response is to start the diesel generator.  There's enough fuel on board to last a few days at least, depending on usage.

Note that this image shows a smaller diesel engine on a different submarine class.   IMAGE SOURCE: Jonesblog

The generator side of the diesel generator works exactly the same as those on the steam-powered turbine generators.  The diesel side works similar to any other internal combustion engine.  There is plenty of reading elsewhere online for that.  Instead, here are a few facts:

  • Cylinder layout: Straight 12 with 24 pistons using an opposed-piston design.
  • Source of air intake is the internal air of the submarine with replacement air coming from the snorkel mast.
  • Exhausts directly into the ocean.  Exhaust piping is internally sprayed with seawater to cool the gases and prevent cavitation.
  • Since a starter motor for this engine would draw too much power, the engine is instead started with compressed air.
Author: David Atwood    |    Physics 212    |    02 January 2019    |    Design: HTML5 UP