Surface ships must maintain a positive buoyancy at all times or it is considered sunk.  Submarines can adjust buoyancy to be negative and they will be considered submerged.  Main ballast tanks accomplish this task initially and are later supported by other systems.


There are two very large tanks outside of the pressure hull (the "people space") on either end of the submarine.  When surfaced, these tanks are full of air, combining the positive buoyancy of air in the tanks with the air of the pressure hull to be greater than the negative buoyancy from all the high density metal the ship is constructed with.  Despite always being exposed to the ocean via holes in the bottom, water does not enter due to the trapped air taking the volume.  In order to dive, vent valves at the top of the tanks are opened allowing air to bleed out, making room for water to enter.  The tank space is now neutrally buoyant and the internal air of the pressure hull is insufficient to keep the submarine on the surface, resulting in an overall negative buoyancy.  Once these tanks are full, the vent valves are promptly shut in preparation for the next surface, especially since it might need to be an emergency surface.

Both methods of surfacing involve putting pressurized air into the tanks to overcome the water pressure and push it back out of the bottom.  The difference is that a normal surfacing is an hour long operation starting from a shallow depth using relatively low pressure air that is generated as needed, whereas an emergency surface involves the immediate expelling of ballast tank water at any depth by releasing very high pressure air stored in dedicated air flasks.  Since it is stored air, the system is designed to work even if the submarine lost all electrical power.  The more common name for this operation is emergency blow and doing it will get the submarine to the surface in under a minute from even the deepest of depths.  The activation valves for an emergency blow are always within arms reach of the Chief of the Watch.
Fun Fact: The positive buoyancy of the air in the pressure hull is so great that submerging with ballast tanks needs some assistance from huge blocks of lead weight permanently installed on either end of the ship.


The wide variety of equipment and activities on a submarine result in moving fluids into, out of, and around the whole ship.  Bilge water accumulation and removal, toilet and shower usage, cooking, dish washing, and many more are all constantly changing the center of gravity of the submarine.  This alters the ability to control the trajectory of the submarine, so to compensate, there exists the trim system.  Unlike how the name suggests, it can adjust much more than ship's trim.  While certain operations, such as jettisoning a missile, requires odd angles put on the ship, steady state operation generally maintains a level ship.  There are several tanks strategically placed in which a trim pump moves seawater around.  The pump and the valves that control flow path is handled automatically by a computer, but can be manually overridden.

In a very basic example, if freshwater is currently being produced and sent to the potable water tanks, which are located towards the rear of the ship, the trim system will sense the ship developing a positive trim (pointing up) due to extra weight in the back.  It responds by moving water from some of the aft trim tanks to the forward trim tanks in order to compensate.

The trim system is one of the most versatile systems on board and is capable of so many functions, the list is too long to be worth displaying.  However, there is one very important function shared with it's sister system: the drain system.  This system is normally used for routine pumping overboard, but is designed to accommodate the potential of flooding.  There are two pumps in the drain system and the trim system is able to be cross-connected to allow the trim pump to also contribute to pumping capacity.  Combined, they are capable of pumping almost 1000 gallons per minute.  Flooding threatens the positive buoyancy of the pressure hull and could therefore permanently sink the ship.  Though this is unlikely, since any one of the three watertight compartments are capable of flooding to at least 70% full and still allow the ship to surface.  Watertight doors are also located high up to allow sufficient time to isolate the flooding compartment. 


These are two ballast control systems unique to the Ohio class due to the ship's main function as a missile launcher.  Buoyancy issues arise both during and after a launch operation.

The principles of a missile launch are describe elsewhere in more detail, but here, you only need to know that an upward force is produced on the missile in order to get if off the submarine.  This force is tremendous as the missile is very heavy and must be pushed through several meters of water against gravity.  Newton's Third Law holds that a reaction force would be imparted on the ship.  While the ship is even heavier and would not move nearly as much due to the conservation of momentum, it still gets pushed down some.  This becomes a problem if the ship has been ordered to rapidly launch multiple or all missiles in quick succession, which it can do.  In comes the hovering system, called as such because its purpose is to make sure the ship hovers in place.  Unlike the trim system, hovering is designed with immediate results in mind.  It, too, operates automatically when active.  It has its own dedicated tanks in which water can move into or out of so quickly that the ship can, in fact, maintain a nearly constant depth while launching a missile.

Missile compensation adjusts ballast for after the missile launch.  With yet another set of dedicated tanks located near the missile tubes, this system fills the tanks as needed to compensate for the weight difference between the missiles that were on board and the water that replaced them inside the tubes.  A Trident D5 missile has a mass of 59,000 kg.  Water of the same volume has much less mass.  The difference is so large that if multiple missiles have been fired then the trim system would be incapable of handling it, thus the existence of a separate system.

On the left side of the sticks, a Chief of the Watch operates a Ballast Control Panel (BCP) at a training facility.  Almost all of the BCP's controls is for ballast and there are many of them.  The emergency blow valves are circled above her head.  IMAGE SOURCE: Navy Live

Author: David Atwood    |    Physics 212    |    02 January 2019    |    Design: HTML5 UP