Black holes are thought to exist when a sufficiently compact mass collapses on itself. General relativity predicts that a "black hole" will form in this situation and within the region defined as the "black hole" the gravitational attraction will become so strong that even light cannot escape. Three are three types of black holes, stellar black holes, supermassive black holes and intermediate black holes.
In simple terms, we can think of incredible mass that only covers a small region. Let's think about the relationship between mass and gravity and get a better understanding of why the gravitational attraction is so strong
F = Force of gravitational attraction
G = Gravitational constant
D = Distance between mass 1 and mass 2
Black holes consist of three layers, the outer and inner event horizon and the singularity. We are going to focus on singularity as we continue to explore Multiverse Theory.
In simple terms, we can think of incredible mass that only covers a small region. Let's think about the relationship between mass and gravity and get a better understanding of why the gravitational attraction is so strong
F = Force of gravitational attraction
G = Gravitational constant
D = Distance between mass 1 and mass 2
Black holes consist of three layers, the outer and inner event horizon and the singularity. We are going to focus on singularity as we continue to explore Multiverse Theory.
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