Space-Time and the Theory of Relativity

The Relativistic Conclusion

From the invariant speed of light, to mass bending the fabric of reality, the concepts that make up relativity are mind-blowing and ground-breaking by themselves. The breaking of the psychological barrier of relativity was the shift from the intuitive physics of the men centuries ago to the science and physics that truly govern the universe of which we reside. The progression of our understanding and the solving of the “unsolvable” problems of astrophysics can now be described as extraordinary. Einstein’s theories of relativity and his field equations have been breaking our scientific barriers for the last century or so, and there is still much to discover. The discovery of gravitational waves and the imaging of the most revolutionary object of extreme space-time curvature was, and continues to be among the largest leaps in not only astrophysics, but in general physics as a whole.