Physics of Rifling

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Rifling is the spiral you can see when looked down the barrel of a gun. Lands are the depressions in the spiral and the Grooves are the flats. This allows the bullet to spin and keep the bullet strait.
Image result for rifling wallpaper
The rifling allows for the bullet to have conservation of angular momentum, L= (I)(ωω). Angular Momentum equals inertia multiplied by angular velocity. In other words, the angular momentum is great because the angular velocity is large since the spinning is fast, and the moment of inertia is also average since that depends on the mass and radius of the projectile. Thus, together create an angular momentum large enough for the projectile to stay on a course and not tumble out of the barrel. An easier way to think about it is if you took the spinning bullet in mid air and tried to spin it the opposite direction/ create an opposite torque; as soon as you let go the bullet would correct itself on the axis it was originally on because that's the path of least resistance.
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