The Physics of Flighted Birds

Flock of Birds(Photo by earl53 at

Birds are FUN!!

A web project being submitted on 11/23/2106 by Akashia Martinez for the fall 2016 Physics 211 course taught by David Newman.

This project will discuss the basic principles of flight as well as the specific physiology in birds that allow them to fly. As an added bonus, the project will also cover the adaptations avian raptors have that aid them in hunting prey.

Clicking the links located on the arrows at the bottom of this page will allow you to follow along with the project in its intended order - from the basic definitions of the concepts we will be going over to the compiled list of the sources I used.

It is my hope that by the end of this project, we will all gain a greater appreciation for the power of flight and the impressive abilities flighted birds possess.

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