
Home     Equations and definitions  Output  Input  Conclusions  Citations


  • Ohm's Law V=IR
  • Electric Power (Watts)  P=IV
  • Rotation Power (Watts) P=tω
  • angular speed ω=v/r
  • torque t=Iα
  • force F=MA
  • acceleration a=2(y-yo)/t^2
  • angular acceleration α=a/r
  • tension T=m(g-a)
  • efficiency percent= (Pout/Pin)100


  •  watts, are a measurement of power in joules per second
  • acceleration is the rate at witch an object is changing speed
  • V= voltage or electric potential
  • I= current or electric flow
  • R=resistance of electric components
  • conservation of energy is a statement that means energy transfers from one from to another, and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
    For this experiment we will be loosely using the conservation of energy law because we will be only looking at the input and output. If we wanted to make a more accurate decision on the 100% energy transfer for this experiment we would need to have friction and heat dissipation included within the calculations. This experiment will be strictly looking at the mechanical output energy used and the input energy used and comparing them.