Tidal Forces |
Equilibrium theory makes the following assumptions:
Tidal-potential can be determined from celestial mechanics
Oceans of uniform depth cover the earth
The earth is not rotating, so no Coriolis force acts
No friction acts
Given these assumptions, equilibrium theory predicts a maximum tidal range of 0.5 - 1 m.
Dynamic theory takes the earth's true nature into account:
Earth is rotating
Continents exist
Bathymetry is highly irregular
Friction acts
Tides are long waves (highest frequency harmonics are semi-diurnal) so they behave as shallow-water waves
The dynamic theory doesn't perfectly predict tides either, but it provides a much better explanation for observed tidal patterns. The most accurate method of tidal predication (near coasts, at least) is to carefully measure tides over an extended period, and use harmonic analysis. |