"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" An age old tounge twister that has never been answered. In this rhyme, the common assumption is that the woodchuck is a small furry groundhog like creature, but there is another kind of wood chuck that is not as common but could chuck wood. Here we will explore this path of answering this age old riddle.
In the production of many wood products a common manufacturing tool known as a lathe is used, and to hold the wood in the lathe a chuck is used.
In order to calculate the amount of wood a wood chuck can chuck we must first define how the wood will be chucked. When wood chucking the chuck will be spinning around the spindle and an attachment will be used that will act as a catcher that will be on the outer radius of the chuck.
We will also be able to calculate the velocity of the wood leaving the chuck and the kinetic energy.
This website was developed by Erik Crawford for his General Physics class 11/23/2004.