Ohm's law


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A little history about Ohm
Kirchoff's current and voltage laws
Ohm's law
Circuit analysis example

It's time for the nitty-gritty. Let's define Ohm's Laws:

Ohm's law can be stated in words as the current in a resistive circuit is directly proportional to its applied voltage and inversely proportional to its resistance. In equation form, Ohm's law states

V = I*R


V is the applied voltage,

R is the resistance in Ohms,

I is the current in amperes.

Ohm's law demonstrates that if the applied voltage across a circuit is increased or decreased, the current generated in the circuit increases and decreases, respectively. Furthermore, as the resistance in a circuit increases, the current generated in the circuit decreases. The following are algebraic variations of Ohm's law that demonstrate theses observations.

I = V / R

R = V / I

Using one of the three algebraic variations of Ohm's law, and any two known variables, one can solve for the other unknown quantity.


Home Page | A little history about Kirchoff | A little history about Ohm | Kirchoff's current and voltage laws | Ohm's law | Circuit analysis example | Bibliography

Jeremie Smith
Date Last Modified: 11/20/00