Welcome to Jeremie's guide to circuit analysis using Kirchoff's Voltage Law, Kirchoff's Current Law, and Ohm's Law. Have you ever wondered how or what makes an electric circuit function? A fact that many people don't realize is that almost every electric circuit can be analyzed with three very important laws. Those laws are Kirchoff's Current Law, Kirchoff's Voltage Law, and Ohm's Law. With some practice and the above stated laws in your tool bag, you can feel assured that you too can analyze electric circuits with the best of them. However, before we get into the nitty-gritty of defining and using these laws, I recommend that you first connect to the links that offer a little historical information about the two men that defined these fundamental laws for electric circuit analysis. |
Home Page | A little history about Kirchoff | A little history about Ohm | Kirchoff's current and voltage laws | Ohm's law | Circuit analysis example | Bibliography
Jeremie Smith
Date Last Modified: 11/20/00