        lights from Summit Lake

Viewing the Aurora

Where to View

According to the University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute the best places to view the aurora Borealis are northern latitudes. This includes Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia.

Make sure to have artificial light such as street and house lights out of view for optimal aurora viewing.

When to View

To view the Northern lights it needs to be dark outside. In Northern latitudes this means that winter months offer the most viewing hours per day. In Alaska the best months are September till March but, the Aurora can be seen any time it is dark outside.


The Geophysical Institute for the University of Alaska Fairbanks has a superior website designated entirely to the Aurora.

For Updates on Aurora activity visit their website provided at the left of this page.

Why to View

The Aurora offers aesthetic pleasures, excuses to take your significant other out on a wilderness date and all around enjoyment to those who experience it.