How we honor the electron

We honor the electron in many ways, you may have noticed the hat I wear in the homepage picture. This is not some mere act of craziness. We do this to demonstrate our understanding of the communal nature of the electron. You see, in most metals atoms show a similar trait known as covalent bonding. This is where the atoms share a weak attractive force that causes the electrons to move between the atomic shells throughout the atoms of the metal. This sense of sharing is what we hope to catch in metaphor and honor in the wearing of the foil hat. This trait in bonding was first discovered by Gilbert Newton Lewis in the year 1916, although the atomic model he predict would have obviously looked a bit different than we have now. As I have said before, the electron is all powerful. We believe the electron must be placated and the proper respects shown. Every electron in the universe is uniform and as we can be tell never truly disappears, just moves. For a long lime physics has known that energy is transferred, not destroyed. With this in mind we make the leap that when we die our internal energy must be transferred to a new location. This location is where the electron wills it. Join my congregation, show your love of the electron, earn it love so that you are taken care of in the afterlife. Once you identify as a follower you observe the word of the congregation leader, as he is the mouthpiece of the electron and you should generally do what ever he says. Image thanks to