General Mechanics

Part 3: Rebar Projectiles

Within Satisfactory, there is a weapon called the "Rebar Gun" for obvious reasons. To test out other projectiles other than the player, this was my go-to choice.

Projectiles are defined as to be kinematics without self-propulsion, and so this is a prime candidate for projectile motion.

In the figure above, the entire wall takes up 54 Pixels of height on my screen. According to the satisfactory wiki, walls are 4 meters tall.

My player's viewer (the eyes so to speak) comes out to be about 1.8 meters, and the final height of the projectile came to about 20 pixels from the bottom of the wall.

The final height on the wall where the projectile landed was a Δy = -2.52 meters, and the angle between the horizontal plane and my player's aim is ≈ 2.43°.

Alright. Math time! We are going to do a lot of approximation so hold onto your hats. Given: θ = 2.77°, sin(θ) ≈ 0.05

The Euclidian distance it would have travelled without gravity would be Δs = v * t = 52.046 (Pythagorean theorem).

The gravitational kinematic equation came out to be Δy = -2.52m = 0.05v - 5.8t².

This leads to v = 54.68m/s and t = 0.9518s.

Verifying this time against the video, it is very much reasonable to conclude that the approximation is fair, even if not very precise.