Jackass Stunt Physics

Image Source: Merch Method

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Intro to Jackass
Toro Totter
Porta Potty

The Toro Totter

Image Source / Video Clip: Youtube
The Stunt
Jackass is well known for its crazy, outrageous, dangerous, and stupid stunts. For example, one of the stunts, Toro Totter, was performed in the movie Jackass Number 2. Four of the members from the show participated for this daredevil stunt. Two of the guys positioned on each teeter toter using it to maneuver the bull. The last man standing on the teeter totter is the declared the winner. You had to have bull balls or a thick skull for this one.

Image Source: Gifer

A teeter totter has a pivot point and a center of mass in the middle of the board. As stated in Newton’s Third Law for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction force. Whenever an object is balanced on a pivot point, the turning forces on each side must be in equilibrium. Thus, on one side of the pivot, the force will move in a counterclockwise motion. On the opposite side, the force will move in a clockwise motion. The board will be perfectly balanced on the pivot point when the object equals the same weight and distance of the object of the other side. Otherwise, if you were to replace the one of the previous objects with a heavier object on one side and position it closer to the pivot point, perfect balance can still be attained. The Reason being is the center of the pivot can hold more weight than both of the other sides as stated earlier by Newton's third law. For example, if a child was sitting further on the end of a teeter totter, and a heavier adult was to sit on the other side.The adult would have to sit closer to the pivot point compared to the child to gain perfect balance, as depicted in the image below.

Image Source: siobhannixon

In other words,
the board moves or rotates based upon if the torque is greater on one side then the other. Therefore, the board rotates in the direction with the highest amount of torque. The board will have a flat and perfect balance when in equilibrium. The torque on both sides equal the same exact value..

Image Source: Google Site

The Formulas used for this are:
1. Force of Gravity (Fg): Fg= m * g
Force (F): F = m * a
Torque (
𝞃): 𝞃 = Fg * d or  𝞃 = F * d
4. Total Force (F
total): Ftotal = F1 + F2 = 0
F1a * d1a + F1b * d1b  = F2a * d2a + F2b * d2b
7. Torque Equilibrium: 𝞃1total = 𝞃2total

d = distance from  pivot point / center of mass.
m = mass of object / person
g = (9.81 m / s^2) acceleration of gravity on earth
a = acceleration
1 = Force on side 1
2 = Force on side 2
D1 = Distance on side 1
2 =
Distance on side 2

Image Source: siobhannixon

Jared Maltos
Physics 212 - F08
University of Alaska Fairbanks
  Spring 2019