Facts About the Space Blanket

Heat Transfer
How it Works
What it is Used For

The Space blanket, also known as a heat blanket or Mylar blanket was originally designed by NASA in 1973 during a launch when a spacecraft lost a heat shield during launch and the crew was forced to make a sun-shield when the spacecraft began to over heat.  After saving the spacecraft, researchers started to look at the possibilities for this technology.  They found the first possibility for a future habitat for astronauts to live in space.  Now, NASA uses this technology on many space explorations such as the Hubble Telescope and Mars rovers. 

Using similar technology that is used by NASA, NASA was able to create a thermal blanket for people to use on earth

Marathon runners use reflective blankets to help
            stabilize body temperatures after a race.     A reflective sunshield is installed during the Skylab-3

Space blankets are often given to marathon runners after their race because it helps prevent hypothermia when their body temperature starts to rapidly decrease.  Because the Mylar blanket is air tight, it reduces heat loss from convection, evaporation and radiation. 

If in a hot environment, these reflective Mylar blankets can be great for shade because they can reflect sun rays and keep the temperature underneath them cool.