
April 18, 2014

Quantum computing leaves us with many technical challenges. We are trying to increase the operational temperature of the system so that the computer can work well above absolute zero. At the same time we want more entangled qubits for processing more data than ever before. I believe that there are strong limitations with current computing power. Our technology is reaching the end of Moore's law and we soon will have classical computers that can be made no smaller. I have hope, that with more computing power, we will create technologies that we could not dream of today.

Classical computers are very good at solving problems that humans are not. Large mathematical operations – adding, subtracting, and multiplying – are the best quality of classical computers. Quantum computers are set to tackle problems that only humans could ever do before. They can sort through larges amounts of information looking for a single piece. They could beat our super computers in a game of chess by knowing all possible outcomes of the game, our computers do not know all possible outcomes to the game of chess. Quantum computers may create an engineering solution that is beyond the scope of today's technology and would revolutionize the way we live. Robots would benefit from quantum computers as they act much more like the human brain.