Applications of Quantum Computing

April 17, 2014

So where can quantum computers be used? They are not faster per operation than standard computers. However, a small number of qubits creates a large amount of classical information that can be used for massive parallel processing. This sort of mass parallel processing is very useful for tasks that classical computers are less efficient at doing.

One example is prime number factorization. To understand the use of prime numbers in computing we must look at security. An encryption key is created by multiplying two very large prime numbers together. To gain access to the system we need to know what two prime numbers are used to create the first number. Classical computers would take centuries to factor these large keys and find the prime numbers. A quantum computer could factor it in minuets. This does not mean that all security online will be worthless, but it does mean there will need to be new ways of encrypting data with the rise of quantum computers.

We could use quantum computers to create super secret strings of random numbers that are only known to two parties. When two particles are entangled over any distance they will have the opposite spin when observed. This can then be used to privately encrypt data for a one time key much better than any classical encryption method.

These cryptography examples are far less interesting than my favorite use of quantum computing. As stated before, 300 qubits have the same number of classical bits as there are particles in the universe. This mass information highway can be used for engineering and physics simulations beyond anything that our modern super computers can handle. We could create complete physics simulations of the quantum mechanical would. This would have a huge effect on the field and serve to advance our understanding of quantum mechanics rapidly. Imagine a simulations of engineering objects – planes, cars, rockets – we would be able to analyze the structures like never before.