General Projectile Motion With Air Resistance

This page gives a general overview of projectile motion.


These are general projectile motion equations to be manipulated in other sections. These equations take air resistance into account.

V_{t}=\sqrt{\frac{2 m g}{\rho A C_{d}}}

a_{x} = -g\frac{v_{x}}{v_{t}}

ay=-g(1+vyvt)a_{y} = -g\left ( 1 + \frac{v_{y}}{v_{t}} \right )

v_{x} = v_{o}\cos\left ( \theta\right )e^{\frac{-g t}{v_{t}}}

vy=vosin(θ)e-gtvt-vt(1-e-gtvt)v_{y} = v_{o}\sin\left ( \theta\right )e^{\frac{-g t}{v_{t}}}-v_{t}\left (1 - e^{\frac{-g t}{v_{t}}} \right )

x = \frac{v_{o}v_{t}\cos\left (\theta \right )}{g}\left (1-e^{\frac{-g t}{v_{t}}} \right )

y=vtg(v0sin(θ)+vt)(1-e-gtvt)-vtty = \frac{v_{t}}{g}\left (v_{0}\sin\left (\theta \right ) + v_{t} \right )\left (1-e^{\frac{-g t}{v_{t}}} \right ) - v_{t}t

Fave=mΔvΔt=mΔv2ΔdF_{ave}=m\frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}=m\frac{\Delta v^{2}}{\Delta x}

Impulse=mΔvImpulse = m \Delta v

vtv_{t}: the terminal velocity of the projectile
mm: the mass of the projectile
gg: the gravitational acceleration on the projectile
ρ\rho: the density of the fluid through which the object is moving
AA: the projected area of the object
CdC_{d}: the drag coefficient of the projectile
axa_{x}: the projectile acceleration in the x direction
aya_{y}: the projectile acceleration in the y direction
tt: the time difference from when the projectile is launched
vxv_{x}: the projectile velocity in the x direction
vyv_{y}: the projectile velocity in the y direction
vov_{o}: the initial velocity at which the projectile is launched
θ\theta: the angle at which the projectile is launched
vv: the magnitude of the sum of the x and y velocity vectors
xx: the distance from the origin in the x direction
yy: the distance from the origin in the y direction
FaveF_{ave}: the average force on the projectile
Δv\Delta v: the change in velocity of the projectile
Δt\Delta t: the difference in time
Δd\Delta d the difference in position of the projectile
ImpulseImpulse: the change in momentum of the projectile

m=3.201*10-3kgm=3.201*10^{-3}kg    (average mass of a paintball)
g=9.81ms2g=9.81\frac{m}{s^{2}}    (gravity on earth)
ρ=1.164kgm3\rho = 1.164\frac{kg}{m^{3}}    (air density at 1 atm and 30 degrees celcius)
A=2.343*10-4m2A = 2.343*10^{-4}m^{2}   (cross sectional area of a paintball)
Cd=0.47C_{d} = 0.47    (drag coefficient for a smooth sphere)
Vo=91.44msV_{o} = 91.44\frac{m}{s}    (NPPL regulation for marker velocity)
=0.017272m\empty = 0.017272m (diameter of a paintball)