Chuck Norris an actor most famous for his Walker Texas Ranger TV series on CBS.  That and the numerous martial arts awards he has earned over his lifetime has lead to a popular string of jokes dubbed Chuck Norris Jokes.  Many of these jokes exagerate his martial arts capabilities, his strength, or some concocted ability to unreal proportions.  This page will explain these exagerations using the laws of physics.

Chuck Norris in Walker Texas Ranger

First, a general history of Norris should be given to understand the man behind the humor.  Chuck Norris was born in 1940 as Carlos Ray Norris Jr.  After high school, he joined the Air Force and was stationed in South Korea where he first began studying the martial art of Tang Soo Do.  When he returned to the U.S. he opened his own karate school.
Chuck Norris in Karate Getup

Over the years Norris earned numerous martial arts awards including middle-weight karate champion, won the karate triple crown, he was the first man in the western hemisphere to be awarded an 8th degree Black Belt Grand Master recognition in Tae Kwon Do, and dozens of state, national, and international titles between 1965 and 1980.  His acting career began in 1972 and was only semi-successful.  It wasnt until 1993 when his role in Walker Texas Ranger did he achieve television fame.  Over the years, he has campaigned for several foundations including Make-A-Wish, founded the Kick Drugs Out of America Foundation, the United Way, and the Veterans Administration.