The use of computer aided seismic imaging has produced amazing improvements in oil recovery. This technology allows for better assessment of oil producing areas. Knowing how large the field is, what depth and what its structure is like makes drilling in those areas more precise and effective. Recent developments in the use of seismic imaging have added the variable of time to the process. By using electrical and acoustic vibrations, data can be generated and recorded to effectively map out the resources with great accuracy. Doing this has become an excellent means to track a field and its contents and flow. This technology also enables the field to be developed with fewer holes to be drilled, since the field can be studied and the most promising locations are selected.

Wave calculations for offshore platforms
The need to understand how the environment behaves is critical in the development of stable platforms. Studying the characteristics and tendencies of water movement gives the engineer the proper parameters to operate within. By having this information a heavy duty platform , or one with a greater degree of flexibility or even the need to account for moving ice in the area can be implemented. Whether the anticipated forces of waves on the structure is due to current and tidal influences or the occasional hurricane or typhoon, these figures are a essential part of the design.

Offshore Drilling & producing Technology


Wind Forces
Knowing what the predominant patterns of wind are also an important part of equipment development. Wind affects wave patterns and amplitudes. In addition to this, the forces applied on a derrick, for example, are needed in the design criteria. In an environment where sustained winds often achieve gale or hurricane force, the proper construction and orientation can reduce the potential for structural failure. There is a great deal of emphasis on reducing the risks for development, considering the environment is one of the many variables planned for.

Offshore Drilling & producing Technology


Getting down to the nitty gritty is often difficult. Through the use of chemistry, we can get accurate representations of compounds and elements. There are many technologies employed to find solutions to problems that occurr in the exploration process. Scaling is one such problem that is given a great deal of attention. There are numerous substances in crude oil as it is removed from its bed. Not all of these substances react well to the removal process. Build-up of scale can cause restricted flows, elevated pressures and equipment failures. scientists are always working to find ways to eliminate or reduce these effects. As the production technology advances, so too must the chemistry. Eliminating the adverse effects of impurities and increasing the ability to capture oil are often complex and compromising ambitions.



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