
Here are the more common, and modern, terms in the use of Curling.
  • Bite- A stone that is just barely touching the outside circle

  • Bonspiel- A contest within or between villages or parishes
  • Check- Checking a stone is laying another alongside it, usually at an angle
  • Counter- Any stone that falls within the circles
  • Crampit- The foot board where the stone is delivered from
  • Dead Guard- Stone that is placed directly in front of a previous shot
  • Draw- A stone thrown with just enough speed to land inside the House
  • End- An end is the end of each round of throwing. 16 stones total, 8 per rink
  • Freeze- To make your stone to just touch another stone
  • Guard- A stone placed in front of a shot to make sure that the other rink can not hit the shot directly
  • Hack- A metal or rubber covered piece, usually sunk into the ice, where the stones are thrown from
  • Heavy: Ice- Dull ice    Stone- a stone that is thrown too hard
  • Hog Line- The line that all stones must pass at the far end in order to qualify for scoring. Those that don't pass the line are removed from play.
  • House- The circles used for scoring
  • Lead- First player in the rink
  • Port- the space between stones, usually two
  • Pot-lid: a stone lying on the Tee
  • Promote or Raise- Striking another stone forward
  • Rink- A team of four curlers, each throws two stones per end
  • Skip- The captain of a rink
  • Take-out: To remove an opposing stone
  • Tee- The middle of the circles, sometimes called the Button
  • Turn- In-turn or Out-turn that is applied to a stone to get a curve
  • Wick- A stone that hits another on a side and rebounds at an angle
  • Winner- Shot that lands closest to the Tee
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