Equipment Used

Here are the common and currently used equipment to Curling and descriptions.
  • Broom- Used for sweeping away dust, dirt, ice, frost and snow in front of the thrown stones. More common brooms have nylon bristles or foam and some, like those used in the Olympics, have temperature gauges in them.

  • Stones- The curling stones are internationally controled. They weigh 40 pounds and are two sided so that when they wear down, the person in charge of them can change where the handle sits and flip the stone over to the fresh side. After both sides have worn down, the stone has to be reshaped. Clubs have sets of curling stones, so it isn't something that the average person needs to worry about purchasing.
Curling Rocks

  • Hack and Crampit- The crampit is a part of the hack. The crampit is the place where you place your foot to push off from. The hack consists of two crampits, one for right handed curlers and one for left handed curlers. In the past, the crampit was chipped out of the ice, but with the hack being frozen into the ice, it works the same way.

  • Comfortable clothing- This is by far the most important piece of equipment. The clothing should be something that you are comfortable in. The shoes that you wear should allow you to bend at the ankle and the left shoe should have a slick surface for sliding on, unless you curl left handed, then it would be the right shoe. There are specifically made curling shoes or you can get an attachment for the shoe that accomplishes this task.
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