History of Curling in Fairbanks

  • Curling began in Fairbanks when stones came from Scotland in 1905. There were two outdoor sheets for the 1905-06 season and 32 men made up the club, in teams of four.

  • In 1908, the curling club built the first building that housed two sheets of ice which came and went as the weather changed. During this time, some of the members were Judge James Wickersham and Charles W. Claypool.

  • Women began curling in 1935.

  • A third sheet was added to the two already established in 1956.
  • Fairbanks joined the U.S. Men's and Women's National Curling Association in 1957 and 1959 respectively.
  • Construction of a new club building at 1962 2nd Avenue began in 1962.
  •  Artificial ice was installed in 1976.
  •  The U.S. Men's National Championship was held in Fairbanks in 1981. Suffice to say, there was a lot of home ice support.
  • In 1985, a Fairbanks rink won the U.S. Women's Curling Championship. They went on to represent the U.S. in the World Championships held in Sweden.
  • 1987 saw two Alaskan rinks go to the U.S. Olympic Trials.


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