Inductance, Running Away

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Inductance in modern physics is not an easy concept to understand. Its definition from electrical4u is that a current through a conductor produces a magnetic field and this change in magnetic field strength induces a current in any conductors in the field. To calculate this current and magnetic field a separate set of calculus is needed called differential equations, not stuff a typical person would know.
If we go back to the McArthur Theory for electricity we have a road filled with negative people in their sad little Prius's. All of them are on their way to a sad concert on one side of the road. This giant mass of negative people moving creates a negativity cloud around them which smells like crushed dreams and rotten hopes. It truly is an awful smell and increases in potency the faster they go. When the pedestrians on the sidewalk first smell this wretched stank they are effected in greatest of senses. However as the group continues to drive by the pedestrians get used to the smell. Now whenever the negative group slows down the smell gets better and if the speed up it gets worse so it is only noticed when they change their speed.
The negative group has the potential to make the pedestrians react in good or bad ways based on how they drive. If they drive at a constant speed, keeping the current of cars constant, then the smell will stay the same. But if they slow down and speed up frequently then it will really annoy the pedestrians.