Capacitance, Negative People Merging

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The next couple topics have to deal with storing of electrical energy. This particular way of storing charge is in a capacitor, called capacitance. Capacitance is defined as "the ability of a component or circuit to collect and store energy in the form of an electrical charge." (Fluke).
In the case of the negative people on their way to the sad concert, capacitance can be modeled as a split in the road. Let's say that to the right is a dead end and to the left is the correct way to go. Since each of the people is driving alone, because they have no friends, there is no one to guide them as to which road is the correct way. As a result some end up going down the dead end way. These cars then have to loop back and wait for a way back into traffic on the correct way. The length of road on the dead end has the capacity to hold only so many cars before that way is packed full with people who made the wrong turn. Its capacity is then at a limit and the capacitance can be measured by how many cars can are on the street when full.
Another function that this dead end street creates is that it packs the correct way to go full of cars. Since each driver want to go the correct way, each gap in traffic will be filled by one of the cars who took the wrong turn. In this way the dead end capacitor smooths the flow, or current, of cars going to the concert. Instead of coming in clumps the negative people will arrive in a steady stream.