Electric Circuits and Electronic Components

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This is a small webpage detailing the basics of circuit analysis and electronic circuit components.

It's very hard to overstate the effect that electronics have had and will continue to have on modern life. Practically every person, every machine, every economic sector on Earth has been dramatically changed by the incredible power of computer technologies, electrical energy, control circuits, and information processing offered to us by electronics.

Electrical phenomena were known since ancient times--magnetism, electricity from electric eels, lightning--but had only received serious, concentrated treatment near the start of the 18th century with some pre-genesis study from a few scientists in history, such as the ancient Greek Thales and the Englishman William Gilbert. Within a relatively short time, electricity studies began to bear much fruit at a pace that has only accelerated since its humble origins as an intellectual curiosity.

The knowledge of fundamental circuit components and their rewards can become yours, too; start looking around the website by clicking on the navigation links below the main title.

Webpage written by Christopher O'Shea for Dr. David Newman's Physics 212 course.