Natural Harmonic

On a typical acoustic guitar there are three Natural harmonics, the "Fundamental", the "Octave", and the third is known as the "Compound Fifth"
All three of these have different frequencies which is calculated with math, and conceptual understanding of sound, and forces acting on the guitar during its play.
Frequencies are one of the things that fascinates various branches of sciences, physics, chemistry, and engineering.
If without tension, these sounds would not be possible, various positions on the guitar have different tensions, which is what causes different sounds throughout the guitar. Without tension, these beautiful sounds composed by forces defined in physics with be non-existent.
All the motion of Harmonics takes place in equilibrium, and the motion is considered to be periodic, repeating in a time interval.
The time to complete one full cycle is called a period, a period in the mathematical sense is represented by the letter "T" measured in units of Hz which was a unit developed by a German physicist named Heinrich Hertz, who produced the first artificially generated radio wave inn 1877, making him a pioneer in physics
y∨n(x)αsin(2pixn/λ∨ℴ) Lambda here is considered to be twice the length of the string. This is also just a simplistic representation of harmonic motion in a system, applies to anything that creates frequencies
All three of these have different frequencies which is calculated with math, and conceptual understanding of sound, and forces acting on the guitar during its play.
Frequencies are one of the things that fascinates various branches of sciences, physics, chemistry, and engineering.
If without tension, these sounds would not be possible, various positions on the guitar have different tensions, which is what causes different sounds throughout the guitar. Without tension, these beautiful sounds composed by forces defined in physics with be non-existent.
All the motion of Harmonics takes place in equilibrium, and the motion is considered to be periodic, repeating in a time interval.
The time to complete one full cycle is called a period, a period in the mathematical sense is represented by the letter "T" measured in units of Hz which was a unit developed by a German physicist named Heinrich Hertz, who produced the first artificially generated radio wave inn 1877, making him a pioneer in physics
y∨n(x)αsin(2pixn/λ∨ℴ) Lambda here is considered to be twice the length of the string. This is also just a simplistic representation of harmonic motion in a system, applies to anything that creates frequencies