A harmonic is defined as a musical note played by or amplifying some notes on any one guitar string. There are four normal harmonics, after that you create what is known as an artificial Harmonic. All of the harmonics are only attained by light pressure on the string which is studied in a variety of fields in physics. If too much pressure is applied it is not considered a harmonic, but rather a normal note.
What exactly is sound? The sound portrayed by the harmonic is just a key of notes being played at the same time. If the guitar was to be plugged into an amp, it would cause various sound waves to occur causing a combined sound of the two waves going everywhere around you, and yo
What exactly is sound? The sound portrayed by the harmonic is just a key of notes being played at the same time. If the guitar was to be plugged into an amp, it would cause various sound waves to occur causing a combined sound of the two waves going everywhere around you, and yo
The Sound Hole
The sound hole is where all of the sound wave come from. This is the most important part of the guitar, without it, it would be just a block of wood.
The Head Stock
This is one part of two that keeps the tension in the string, the one thing that this part does differently is allow for the sound to be changed to different pitches
The Saddle
The Saddle is the second part that allows for the strings to remain in tension. sometimes within there is a second part that also allows for more sound, but it varies on the acoustic guitar brand.