Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman was a Nobel prize winning physicist "that brought physics to the masses with his distinctive and approachable way of science communication"
To begin with I decided to look up where the mystery originated. The mystery of the dry pasta was first pondered by physicist Richard Feynman, which was described as him spending an evening trying to understand why the dry pasta would not break in the same manner that a stick breaks in. It remained a true mystery to the physics community until 2005 when a paper was published by the American Physical Society which explained the phenomenon. “When thin brittle rods such as dry spaghetti pasta are bent beyond their limit curvature, they often break into more than two pieces, typically three or four. With the aim of understanding these multiple breakings, we study the dynamics of a bent rod that is suddenly released at one end. We find that the sudden relaxation of the curvature at this end leads to a burst of flexural waves” (Audoly). It was the development of slow motion cameras that allowed researchers to dive into observing what was occurring the moment after spaghetti factures. As well as advances in mathematical modeling of objects that made understanding the physics of the spaghetti easier. Finally in August of 2018 students of MIT were able to make a major breakthrough (no pun intended) on the topic and solve the mystery of pasta breaking behavior.
Richard Feynman was a Nobel prize winning physicist "that brought physics to the masses with his distinctive and approachable way of science communication"