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Going into the mystery blind

Once deciding on my topic, I took it upon myself to try and figure out what was going on when spaghetti broke; why would it not break evenly? After more tries than I’d care to admit, I figured the best way to approach this would be to record the process and slow it down, as to get a better medium to analyze. Upon watching the slow motion footage it became obvious to me that some sort of recoil was causing the pasta to break sporadically and after giving it more thought, I came to the conclusion that a tension force was slowly building up as the pasta bent and once a threshold is reached the tension force is released as kinetic energy, akin to the principle of spring kinetic energy. I found the best way to break the pasta cleanly was by grabbing in two places side by side and applying pressure to break, but the breaking of the pasta in other manners resulted in fragmentation of the rod. The mystery was now really brewing in my mind. Because the way a stick breaks is cleanly in two. Time to do some research!

Slowmo Spagehtti Breaking!

This is a short video of my father breaking spaghetti, broke alot of spaghetti in the filming of this!