The Physics of Computer Keyboards

Ergonomics Rubber Dome Switches
Mechanical Switches

Keyboard Ergonomics

Now, for practicality's sake, the only real reason to care about what you type on is the ergonomics, or physical efficiency of your work flow.
So, where to begin? Lets take this IBM keyboard for example.


This is a fairly run of the mill desktop computer keyboard. Letters, numbers, even a number pad and a function row. Pretty standard stuff, and if you were to pop a key off you would see something along these lines of this:

rubber dome

What you're seeing here is a membrane made of capacitive rubber, which presses on a thin plastic membrane with printed circuits on top of a printed circuit board (PCB) to produce an electrical signal. The computer registers this signal as a key being pressed and has function bound to that key, such as producing a letter on the screen or increasing the volume, execute. Check it out in the following picture.

rubber dome .gif

From user codemonkeymike

Now, we will go a little more in depth with this design in the next page, but for now, I want you to consider the above picture.

Can you see anything about the design that may cause an issue with work efficiency?

Look at the little black line at the top of the dome. This is the capacitive rubber tip which connects the circuit on the bottom of the dome, represented by the broken line at the bottom. Notice that the key must be fully depressed in order to connect the circuit.

This is the most significant issue that we face with keyboard ergonomics: In order to get the key to register, one must fully depress or "bottom out" the key. This results in the following.

Rubber dome free body
Adapted from user codemonkeymike

Now, since we have a basic knowledge of physics from lectures and our physics textbook, we are aware of Newton's 3rd law: For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction (Knight, 2018). Thus, when the key bottoms out, a force is applied back on the key, which is applied back onto the finger.  Say that the average non mechanical computer keyboard like the one pictured above requires at least 0.6 Newtons (Fp),assuming that there is no friction, then the reaction force (Fn) would be 0.6 Newtons as well. If the average person can type at 60 words per minute, with each word at 5 letters plus a space each, this would result in your fingers being exposed to

(0.6 N) * (5 letters + 1 space) * (60 words per minute) = 216 N per minute or 3.6 N per second

Now, that force is also split evenly among 10 fingers. However, keep in mind that both thumbs typically press only the space bar, so two fingers split half the force of one key.  This results with each finger taking

8 fingers * x + 2 fingers *(0.5x) = 3.6 N per second
9 fingers * x = 3.6 N per second
x = 3.6 N per second/ 9 fingers = 0.4 N per finger per second

Now, many people type for much longer than a few seconds at a time. Take a computer programmer for instance: They can type hundreds of lines of code a day, read through it, then modify existing code for a good portion of their work day. If we assume that computer programmers code for 6 hours a day at work, then the total force that their fingers have experienced over the day is around

0.4 N per finger per second) * (9 fingers) * (60 seconds / 1 minute) * (60 minutes / 1 hour) * (6 hours)
77,760 N or 77.76 kN per work day

If you add 2 hours of miscellaneous keyboard usage outside of work at 60 wpm

(0.4 N per finger per second) * (9 fingers) * (60 seconds / 1 minute) * (60 minutes / 1 hour) * (8 hours)
103.68 kN per day!

Yikes! No wonder people feel that their fingers are strained at the end of the day. Combined with the the lack stretching or exercise most desk workers tend to do unless actively encouraged on a regular basis, further stress is easily noticeable while also causing further damage (
Sanaeinasab et al. 2018). To compound onto this, what if the worker is mashing the keys, essentially slamming them into the keyboard? Then they would be putting even further stress on their fingers, causing even more stress!

How do we solve this issue?

Lets look at diagram again.

                                                          dome free

Observe that the actuation point is at the very bottom of the dome, and that the rigid PCB is also at the bottom. This is what is causing a stiff reaction force as well as the majority of finger fatigue.

There are other issues regarding typing ergonomics
which can lead to muscular-skeletal disorders of the upper and lower back (Sanaeinasab et al. 2018). However, while this is another incredibly important concern, it has less to do with the keyboards themselves and more to do with proper sitting posture. To learn more about those ergonomic issues, I highly suggest this video by the YouTube channel TechQuickie, which goes into further detail about ergonomics as a general subject. Lets move on to how different keyboards tackle these issues! 

Javier De Leon
Physics 211 - Fall 2018
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Background: "Blue" by karenatsharon is licensed under CC BY 2.0