#1: Invasion of
This would be one of the main concerns about drones
today. People have spotted drones spying on them on
their own private property. Any creep, or big brother,
could use drones to invade on one's privacy. It's
possible, the victim wouldn’t know who was spying on
them. The invader could be taking photos and videos of
a person without permission. Recently, the military
has been spied on by drones. Therefore, the Pentagon
has issued clearance for any military personnel to
shoot down unidentified drones nearing the military
bases for security purposes.
#2: Public Safety
Even if you do have the knowledge on how to fly your
drone properly, accidents happen. You may
unintentionally injure someone or damage property.
There has also been issues with drones flying near
airports. This could end up causing a disaster and has
become another security threat for air travel safety.
#3: Legal Issues
At this time, drones have been barely regulated of all
their capabilities. The FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration) has set rules on a national level only
pertaining to where and how you can fly drones
legally. The FAA has also made it mandatory to
register your drone in order to use them. However,
there are more ambiguous issues that need to be
discussed and covered on a national scale. Some of
these ambiguous issues are only covered at a local
level. #4: Security Threats -
Terrorists, Criminals, and Weaponization
Drones are becoming more popular from businesses, to
military, and consumer usage. However, it won’t be
long until drones ends up in the hands of the wrong
people, such as criminals, terrorists, and the
mentally ill. A drone could become weaponized, with
the right knowledge, to carry out the task of harming
the innocent or achieving any other twisted goals.
#5: Militarized usage
The militarized usage of drones has its perks, but it
also has a lot of downsides at the same time. For
example, Drone strikes may not always guarantee
success of eliminating a target as well as civilian
causalities may end up in the mix. There also very
expensive to produce these types of drones each
costing over millions of dollars.
#6: Air Traffic Management
Another issue that needs to be addressed before drones
become mainstream is air traffic management. How will
we manage air traffic for drones taking the skies?
Today, there isn’t much or any air traffic taken by
drones, but in the future things could change. It
would be best if we could have a manned and unnamed
airspace separate. We would need technical solutions,
guidelines, and tools to ensure drones don’t present
themselves as threats to manned aircraft, such as
airplanes and helicopters. Both manned and unmanned
aircraft should always be aware of each other’s
restricted airspace, so a disaster doesn’t strike.
#7: Limited Flight Endurance & Cargo Capacity
At this given time, Drones are only capable of
achieving so much since it is a surfacing technology.
Drones today can only fly for a short amount of time
before needing to recharge or swap out the batteries.
Drones may be able lift cargo to about a max of twenty
pounds, but five pounds or lower is more of an
occurrence. This is because there’s a balancing act
relationship between how much weight the drone can
haul and flight endurance. The more weight added on
means less flight time overall. On the other hand,
less weight equals increased flight time.
Jared Maltos
Physics 211 - F04
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fall 2018