The First Second of The Universe
By Trevor Jepsen

As many people know, the Big Bang Theory is the preeminent physics model for the beginning of the universe. According to this theory, our universe began as a "singularity" which has been undergoing expansion for about fourteen billion years. The expansion put forth by this theory is still thought to be happening today, at this very moment! As the universe continued to expand post-'big bang' (don't think explosion; think balloon inflation by an air tank) its properties changed dramatically from the time when it was just a cosmos-primoridal soup (a cosmordial soup, if you will). In fact, the properties of our universe have changed so dramatically throughout the billions of years that physicists have divided its history, or 'age' up into sections that reflect the drastically different natures of the separate time periods. Some of the most mind-boggling and interesting events of our universe's long history took place right after it started expanding, in just the first second. As you navigate the site, you will learn more about this fascinating time period, simply click the links below!

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Plank Epoch        Grand Unification Epoch        Inflationary Epoch        Electroweak Epoch       Quark Epoch        Hadron Epoch
