Electroweak Epoch

The Electroweak Epoch lasted from 10^-36 to 10^-12 seconds. Note the slight overlap with the Inflationary Epoch. The Electroweak Epoch marks the beginning of the modern universe as we know it, due to the fact that all four fundamental forces will be distinct from one another by its end.
We will also see the formation of the first particles that would give way to matter.

The separation of the strong nuclear force led to particle reactions that formed W, Z and Higgs boson particles. Remember, bosons are not the physical elementary particles, they are force carriers. This is a massive step towards physical matter becoming present in the universe, as the Higgs field can slow down other particles and impart mass on them, another very odd concept to fathom. This field is what allows our universe to support mass!

Towards this end of this era, right around 10^-12 seconds, the separation of the weak nuclear force and the electromagnetic force finally occurs.
Now that the universe has cooled down enough to allow all four forces to act independently, and the laws of nature that we account for in classical physics begin take shape.

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