Zombies! They are everywhere, on our favorite shows, in our favorite books, and maybe in our future! The idea of the undead is not a new one. People have imagined a zombie apocalypse for decades and in that time have developed a variety of plans for survival.

Photo courtesy of weknowyourdreams.com
Many different scenarios have been used in the media surrounding zombies. In each movie, book, or comic they have varied traits, these include: speed, intelligence, weaknesses and special adaptive features.
In I Am Legend, released in 2007, the zombie population is fast, relatively intelligent, but they can not go into the sunlight. The zombies in this movie are the dominant population. They have eradicated the majority of the human population. The main character outsmarts the zombies by taking advantage of their weakness, sunlight. The main character bunkers down during the nighttime and carried a gun and knives with him during the daytime as precaution.
In the AMC’s The Walking Dead, premiered in 2010, the zombies are slightly less than the speed of an uninfected human. The zombies are relatively loud, and they are uncoordinated and unintelligent. They move toward sound, which can be considered one of their weaknesses. The surviving characters use weapons of all sorts: guns, knives, bow and arrow, swords, bombs, etc.
In World War Z, released in 2013, the zombies are fast and strong with an incredibly high need to spread the zombie pathogen. Their weaknesses are in their lack of aquatic mobility and in their sensory ability. The surviving humans defend themselves primarily with guns, however this system is relatively ineffective. The humans regress to escape methods rather than fighting methods. The people end up retreating to boats.
In Zombieland, released in 2009, the zombies are of human speed, are relatively strong, and are semi-intelligent. Their weakness is in their human-like nature. The main characters kill zombies using guns, bats, hammers, chainsaws, and more.
This page is dedicated to finding the most effective weapons to defend yourself from the possible zombie apocalypse. For the purposes of this site, the zombies will have distinct characteristic

Photo Courtesy of weknowyourdreams.com
The Zombies in scenario X, our scenario, are of low intelligence are relatively
fast, and have the same lethal limits as uninfected humans. The weapons that we will be examining include: gun, bow and arrow, bat, weed wacker, hammer, and hand-to-hand combat. The known speeds, accelerations, forces, our judgment system, as well as working relating formulas of our scenario are described in Scenario X Parameters.