


    The Creationist theory states that a God created the universe in a set amount of time. This theory is supported by many religions and bibles.


    The Intelligent Design theory is similar to the creationist theory. This theory states that something above a God and outside of humans knowledge created the universe.


    String theory is the idea that everything in the universe and its matter is composed of vibrating strings and membranes of energy. String theory gives insight on inconsistencies between the theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics.



    The Big Bang theory is one of the most well known theory's of how the universe began. This theory states that the universe came from a single piece of condensed matter. That matter exploded and became the stars, planets, and all other matter of today's universe.

The Big Bang Theory

Creationist Theory

Intelligent Design Theory

String Theory




    Similar to the Big Bang Theory, the Ekpyrotic theory states that the universe was created from the collision of two-three dimensional worlds moving in an undiscovered dimension. The kinetic energy from the collision was converted to protons, electrons, quarks, etc.. that were confined to move along a three dimensional world.


    States that the universe is similar to a living creature that pulsates following infinite self-sustaining cycles. This idea follows that the universe will expand and contract over time.


    A scientific theory to describe the end of the universe. The Big Freeze claims that the fixed universal energy amount will become depleted, slowing the universe down. This will make the universe colder until it creeps to a halt stopping the expansion of the universe.


    This theory suggests that the universe is contained within the interior of a black hole. Within each black hole there is another universe and with in that universe there are more black holes which lead to more universes. This theory states that blacks holes are tunnels to other universes.

Ekpyrotic Universe

Pulsating Universe Theory

The Big Freeze

Black Hole Cosmology


    Solipsism is the idea that nothing can be verified to exist; except the existence of one's own mind. So our entire universe, planet, the objects and people we know are only projections of our own mind, similar to dreams or the Matrix movies.


    Based off the idea of computers, the computer universe theory suggests that the entire universe is a giant quantum computer, computing an unknown path of our universe. Similar to when a programmer creates a game.


    This theory suggests that our

    three dimensional reality is really just a big hologram. Our entire universe is just a projection of information stored on some distant two dimensional surface that surrounds us.


    Muliverse proposes that our universe is only one of an infinite number of other universes. This also suggests there would be different laws of physics for each universe.

    A person could only exist in a universe that had correct physical laws to allow their existence.



The Computer Universe

Hologram Theory
