Ice Planet

Definition - A planet with the characteristics of an icy surface mainly composed of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen or sulfur.


Ice planets form just like any other planet, matter and space dust clouds collide into one another and slowly form a planetoid. For a planet to fall into the category of an ice planet they must have extremely low surface temperatures which create their icy surface.


Ice planets have such a low temperatures due to their distance from a star. The planet would capture less of a stars energy due to the extreme distance from the energy source. An example of this is the dwarf planet Pluto, which is about 3.67 billion miles (Earth is 92.96 million miles). Due to this vast distance the dwarf planet receives an insignificant amount of energy to change the dwarf planets surface temperature.


Another reason for these extreme temperatures is that these planets have a little or no atmosphere, all the energy that the planet receives is quickly lost due the law of thermodynamics. An example of an insignificant atmosphere is the planet Mercury, a rock basin planet. Mercury is the closest planet to our sun, Mercury's temperature ranges from 465 to -184 Cecilius this is due to not having an atmosphere.




Properties of Ice Planets

Large planet with a relatively low density

Planet composition will primarily consist of hydrogen, oxygen, helium and/or carbon

Most of the frozen matter is likely to be in the form of supercritical fluids (unlike earth)




Ice Planet Temperature Ranges

A temperature chart displaying the temperatures with different elements needed to form supercritical fluids

Temp: 154.6 K (-118.6 C)

Pressure: 49.8 atm


Temp: 647.096 K (373.946 C)

Pressure: 217.7 atm

How Ice Planets Form

Temp: 5.19 K (-267.96 C)

Pressure: 2.24 atm

Ice planets are masses of matter characterized by their enormous amounts of frozen matter on the planet's surface. Ice planets can be composed of frozen gas, rock basin, or other types of matter.

What is an Ice Planet