Modern Physics Demonstrations
1. Hydrolysis Apparatus
Location: Demo Room Shelf L1
2. K2SO4 Solution
Location: Chemistry department
3. High current power source
Location: PHYS 103 Lab, REIC 258, First shelf
4. Wires
Location: Demo Room Shelf T
5. Balloons
Location: Demo Room Shelf T
6. Lighter
Location: Demo Room Shelf L
Safety Information:
Make sure balloons are placed over both valves
before applying current.
Give assistant the fire extinguisher to hold,
and ensure they are familiar with its use.
Turn voltage knob first, then bring current up,
no higher than 4 amps.
Do not fill balloons too full: stop well before
their breaking point.
Hydrogen is very explosive: be sure to explode
the balloon well away from equipment and audience members.