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Why is this research area relevant?


  • lMulti Billion Dollar Direct Application to Industry

  • Fuel Efficiency in Mass Transit Systems
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Reduced Dependence on Oil



As the U.S. continues to grow, efficiency in mass transit systems becomes more and more of an issue.  The research presented here focuses primarily on tractor trailer combinations but the principles apply to trains, personal auto's, and buses.  It is clear that as the world continues to industrialize that the future of commercial shipping lies in efficient conveyance of goods to the consumer.  Greater fuel efficiency translates immediately into a positive impact on the environment.  Here are some interesting facts:

1)  For every mile down the freeway, the average-size American car has to push 5.5 metric tons of air out of its way. (Bib. #2)

2)  lThere are approximately 1.7 million tractor/trailer combinations in the commercial vehicle population. Their fuel efficiency is on the order of 6 miles per gallon (mpg) and they burn approximately 18 billion gallons of fuel annually. (Bib. #4)

3)  lIn the U.S. alone a total savings of 1.5 Billion a year could be realized for a 6% reduction in fuel use. (Bib. #3)


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