
Dreyer, Danny and Katherine Dreyer.  ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running.  Simon & Schuster.  New York, NY.  2004

Dumont, Aaron and Chris Waltham.  “Walking.”  Physics Teacher.  Sept. 1997.  Vol. 35 Issue 6, p. 372.

Inman, Verne T., Henry J. Ralston, and Frank Todd.  Human Walking.  Williams & Wilkins.  Baltimore, MD.  1981

Watkins, James.  An Introduction to Mechanics of Human Movement.  MTP Press Limited.  Lancaster, England.  1983. 

Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M.  Kinetics of Human Motion.  Sheridan Books.  Champaign, IL.  2002.


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