Fish bioenergetics includes components of physical forces, thermodynamics, and light characteristics, and follows energy laws and theories describing any other closed system. What it all boils down to is the net rate of energy intake. If this rate is positive a fish will grow and if it is negative then a fish will begin to undergo the stresses of losing biomass.

    Fish bioenergetics is really a matter of efficiency. Potential profit for a fish at any given position in a stream is simply the amount of energy coming into its system as prey minus the cost of staying at that position. This simplified model can be desribed by

 P = D - S

where P is potential profit (calories/hour), D is available drifting invertebrate energy (calories/hr), and S is swimming cost (calories per hour) (Fausch 1984). For example, the fish in the diagram below has a particular capture area as it faces upstream, and available (potential) energy depends on the quantity and quality of prey items that float downstream through that area. Energy expended by the fish depends on the velocity (flow) of the water and the swimming capability of the fish. The fish must exert a force in the upstream direction that is equal to the force of the water trying to push it downstream. When the fish goes to retrieve a prey item laterally, it will have to swim faster than the current.

Figure from Hguhes 1998
    Getting a little bit more complex, we can consider Holling's disc equation (Stephens and Krebs 1986) which can apply to any foraging animal. This equation's most simplified derivation is

R = λe - s/ 1 + λh

where R is the rate of intake, λ is the rate of encounter with other prey items, e is the energy gain, s is the search cost, and h is the handling time. This equation assumes that searching for prey and handling prey are mutually exclusive activities. It also assumes that the encounter rate will have a positive linear relationship with the time spent searching for prey. For fish, many aspects of the physical environment can effect all of these components.