A little about me: My name is Peter Broady, I am a freshman physics student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. For questions or comments, contact me at petermbroady@hotmail.com. Thanks!


  • Physics for Scientist and Engineers Fifth edition. Serway and Beichner. 2000.
  • God and the Astronomers Robert Jastrow. 1978
  • Just Six Numbers Martin Rees. 1999
  • A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization Dean L. Overman
  • The Origin of Species and the Descent of Man Charles Darwin. 1859.
  • The Blind Watchmaker Richard Dawkins. 1985
  • The Book of the Cosmos Dennis Richard Danielson. 2000.
  • The Mind of God P.C.W. Davies. 1992
  • Quantum Mechanics Robert John Russell, Phillip Clayton, Kirk Wegter-McNelly, John Polkinghorne. 2001
  • Cosmos Carl Sagan. 1980
  • The Planets BBC. 1999.