slingman Build
So to build a sling. It is extremely simple a weapons grade sling or any grade sling.
All one needs is:
-cord (rope, hemp, string, yarn)
-pouch material (leather, jeans, cord
So to begin:
  1. Measure out 2 equal lengths of cord so that they reach the ground when holding the lengths of cord.
  2. Next cut out the pouch. This shape should be similar to a football shape. The reason for that shape is so the air resistance is as low as possible.
  3. Attach the cord to the pouch.
  4. Create a loop on one end of the string and then cut the other to be an equal length to the loop.

That is it! the sling is now built!
your sling should look similar to this one:
Now is where F=ma comes in. The force that we are going to be exerting on the rock will be a rotational force. The cord must be chosen correctly so that the tension doesn't exceed the strength of the cord. The point of greatest weakness on a throw is at the bottom where the tension force is aligned with the gravitational force.
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