Introduction - History - Manufacturing - Physics of R-Value - Embodied Energy - Energy Cycle - U of C study - PCM's - Conclusion




University of Colorado Study

2 identical buildings, one with R-19 cellulose one with R-19 fiberglass

Findings show cellulose tightened a building 36% to 38% more than fiberglass

Cellulose insulated house 7 degrees warmer overnight.

After 3 weeks of monitoring the cellulose insulated building used 26.4% less energy!

Cellulose performs as much as 38% better than fiberglass especially in severe climatesDesigning a house with few air changes per hour is just as important as having a good R value of insulation.

This is due to 3 types of heat loss

Conduction (heat transfered through contact)

Convection (heat transfered through air movement)

Radiation (heat transfered through waves of energy emited by an object)


The Simple Payback on cellulose for a house is about 4 years, (even less in Alaska)