Types of Returns for defense

    There will be a point in the game were you are currently out of position. There are returns that allow you to dislodge your opponent from using his advantage by using different areas of the playing field and hitting shots at certain angles that create a weird bounce or trajectory that will force the opponent to give up his edge and allow you to take up the middle and allow you to find a position were you can use an aggressive shot.

    The ceiling shot is the easiest  defensive shot to perform in the game. This shot is generally the first defensive shot you learn. It is very difficult to dislodge your opponent from the middle. With the ceiling shot you aim toward the ceiling and with the right angle the ball will bounce very high on the first bounce. This will cause your opponent to run back and return in the back of the court. While he is running back you have the ability to take the middle and become the aggressor.

   Another defensive shot that uses the a high bounce is hitting the ball so it hit all three walls near the top. It then bounces and hits back wall. The ball will lose so much momentum that it will die towards the end. Forcing your opponent to run to the back and lose position. This shot is incredibly hard to do, it requires a lot of momentum, right angle, and take a ton of practice to master.

   Though not a great defensive shot, hitting off the back wall is a great way to return, if the ball is impossible to hit normally. This shot should only be used as a last ditch effort. By applying enough force you can have the ball hit the back wall and have enough momentum to hit the front wall completing a return.  This shot will generally leave you in a bad position, but having this shot in your tool box can help you extend a series and help continue playing against your opposition